The Apostles needed the grace of that first Pentecost (Acts 2) to allow them to experience the Father's love and to empower them to spread the good news of Jesus to the world. The same is true today for us!
Jesus is truly alive among us, and really has a plan for your life. No matter where you are, or where you have been, He welcomes you with open arms and invites you into a personal relationship with him. The ministries we are blessed to offer you help to "fan into FLAME" (2 Tim 1:6) the gift of The Holy Spirit within you, so that the:
Fire of The Holy Spirit strengthens you, and reveals to you in a deeper way "Jesus as Lord"
Love of God is experienced by you, baptizing you in The Spirit and setting you
Ablaze with zeal to help others and for the
Mission of evangelization, and sending you out with joy
Empowered by the charisms of The Holy Spirit
Our ministry is to help to bring to the all in the Church the grace of "baptism in the Holy Spirit",
and to renew the wonders and powers of a "New Pentecost" in our time.
The Lord Jesus changes lives, giving us a new hope, a new joy, and a new purpose.